NMate is one of the most unique non-combustible tobacco cartridge heaters on the market.

When activating this device for the first time, you do not need to turn it on every session, which is the practice of everyone else.

Simply inserting the non-combustible tobacco cartridge is recognized by the NMate and the device activates itself, starting the session.

You will certainly be the only one and unique with this choice, and now it is available to you for 0 denars!

ISMOD and its sales partners are giving you the NMate device as a gift, and you can find this offer in over 40 points of sale in our country, and from 09.02.2023 (Thursday) in the first ISMOD Store located in the GTC, on the ground floor.

For more information, contact us here, via Messenger message or by filling out the contact form, or call the toll-free number: 0800 33 300


*quantites are limited.
** the offer shall last until the stock is exhausted.

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